Increasing data volumes and growing energy requirements: experts discuss solutions at Huawei's IDI Forum 2024



At Huawei's Innovative Data Infrastructure Forum in Berlin, it was impressively demonstrated how experts and specialists are tackling the current challenges in the field of data processing and analysis and what role artificial intelligence is playing in this. synaforce was there live - find out more about the latest developments and findings first-hand in our blog post.


Constant technological progress is continuously generating new volumes of data that need to be stored and analyzed in data centers. According to estimates, the global volume of data will grow to around 291 zettabytes by 2027. In other words, 291 trillion bytes, as Andrew Buss, Senior Research Director at IDC EMEA, explained in his presentation "How to win the Intelligent Era". Normally, people hardly think about these dimensions. And that is why events such as the Innovative Data Infrastructure Forum held by Huawei are so important. The event took place on May 7th in Berlin. synaforce was there live in the person of CMO Hannes Beierlein and Sales Manager Sebastian Hoch.


Innovations in data processing

One of the many outstanding presentations at this year's IDI Forum came from our Chief Marketing Officer Hannes Beierlein. In his presentation, Hannes shared valuable insights on how companies can not only manage the growing amounts of data, but also use it as a strategic tool. He emphasized that the challenge is not only to collect data, but above all to process it in such a way that it provides useful insights and decision support in real time. Artificial intelligence plays a crucial role in pre-processing and analyzing this data.

The presentation was not only informative for experts from the technology sector, but also offered our customers and partners deep insights into the efficient use of data. For anyone who would like to know more details or missed the presentation, Hannes shared his thoughts and perspectives in a video interview.


More and more data consumes more and more energy

The energy supply is currently limiting the capacities of data centers, as the example of Ireland shows. Here, the facilities of providers such as Huawei already consume five percent of the total amount of electricity available.

It is therefore becoming increasingly important to collect data in a more targeted manner and to analyze it in advance in order to only store the data records that are really relevant and offer added value. This in turn requires expanded analysis capacities and, above all, support from artificial intelligence. In his opening speech, Willi Song, President of European Enterprise Business at Huawei, addressed the fourth industrial revolution. He emphasized that data is experiencing explosive growth and that AI will have a profound impact on current and future business practices.


Successful use of AI in the healthcare sector

Some providers of AI-supported services are already very advanced, particularly in the field of image recognition, as a session at the IDI Forum on the use of AI in the healthcare sector showed. The technology is used in pathology, for example, to identify tumor cells in tissue samples. In this sector-specific area, AI is already able to deliver faster and better results than humans and is therefore a great support for doctors. synaforce provides the necessary data center capacities with the highest security standards and availability.

"From my day-to-day work, I was of course familiar with a lot of the information relating to data volumes and energy requirements from the operation of data centers. But to see the full extent and the exciting background information collected in this way and presented by industry experts really impressed me. Events like the IDI Forum are invaluable for this and for exchanging ideas with providers, manufacturers, our partners and customers," says Sebastian Hoch, Sales Manager at synaforce.



The IDI Forum 2024 once again demonstrated how crucial the role of technology is in the modern business world. From Hannes Beierlein's profound insights into data processing to the revolutionary approaches to artificial intelligence discussed, the IDI event provided a platform for groundbreaking ideas and innovation. The challenges and opportunities created by the exponentially growing volumes of data require innovative solutions and new approaches to energy and resource management, as the examples from the healthcare sector make clear.

For synaforce and all participants, the forum is not only an opportunity for further education, but also for networking and discussing forward-looking technologies that will drive the fourth industrial revolution. We at synaforce are proud to be part of this dynamic change and look forward to integrating the findings of this forum into our strategies and solutions to continue to provide the best services to our customers.


At synaforce, we all strive for innovation and are always looking for the best solution to promote sustainability and deliver real added value.  Find your path at synaforce and work where innovations of the future are created through cooperation!

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