Visiting: Artur Mielczarek, Linux Administrator at the synaforce Mainz site



As Linux administrator at the Mainz site, Artur Mielczarek is primarily dedicated to the management and optimization of Linux servers. With his passion for technology and his many years of experience, he ensures that synaforce's IT infrastructure is always up to date and fully functional.


A typical working day for Artur Mielczarek starts at the coffee machine - not just to wake up, but above all to pause for a moment and prepare for the challenges of the day. His main task is to check the monitoring system to ensure that all systems are working properly. He also checks incoming tickets and e-mail inquiries in order to be able to react quickly to current requirements and problems.

In addition to these regular tasks, he is also involved in planned projects and works closely with other departments. This cooperation is essential to achieve seamless integration of systems and provide technical support across the organization. His role is therefore central to maintaining the IT infrastructure and supporting synaforce's goals through technological innovation.


Volle Begeisterung für Technologie auch nach der Arbeit

Auch in seiner Freizeit gehören IT und Tech zu Artur Mielczareks Interessen. In seinem eigenen HomeLab erweitert er stetig sein IT-Knowhow, experimentiert hier mit neuen Technologien und sammelt so auch neben seinem Job bei synaforce praxisnahe Erfahrungen, um seine technischen Fähigkeiten kontinuierlich zu verbessern.

Nach der Arbeit nutzt Artur Mielczarek seine Zeit gerne aktiv. Er geht regelmäßig mit seinem Hund Archie spazieren, was ihm hilft, abzuschalten und die Natur zu genießen. Zusätzlich hat er eine Leidenschaft für Computerspiele. Diese dienen ihm nicht nur als großartige Form der Entspannung, sondern bieten ihm auch die Möglichkeit, in Kontakt mit Freunden zu bleiben und strategisches Denken weiterzuentwickeln.


Full enthusiasm for technology even after work

When Artur Mielczarek describes synaforce, he always emphasizes the atmosphere and corporate culture that promote innovation and personal development. He particularly appreciates the opportunity to work with the latest technologies. In addition, working with competent and supportive colleagues makes every working day a new challenge and learning opportunity for him.

These were also the deciding factors for him to return to synaforce after his time outside the company. Added to this was the desire for personal and professional development in a stable and innovative environment. After all, synaforce stands for advanced technological infrastructure and a strong commitment to innovation. In addition, the active promotion of employees is central to the IT service provider. Together with the focus on a corporate culture characterized by open communication, this lays the foundation for technological excellence, innovative solutions and a significant competitive advantage.


At synaforce, we all strive for innovation and are always in search of the best solution to promote sustainability and deliver real added value. Find your own path at synaforce and work where collaboration leads to the innovations of the future!

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